

Driving To the Eclipse Condominium
3600 & 3650 S Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22202
Read the signs to be sure you are up to date on RP1 (retail) parking restrictions!
Alternative parking information is here: https://eclipseinfo.net/parking.html - scroll down to "other options."

  1. Enter the address into your GPS and proceed to the South Glebe Road & Route 1 intersection.
  2. Turn EAST onto South Glebe Road and proceed one block to the traffic light at the end.
  3. Turn RIGHT onto Potomac Avenue and take the next RIGHT into our driveway.
  4. Take the first RIGHT (at the STOP sign below) into the garage and . . .

    . . . turn left into the farthest of the 4 lanes. (Harris Teeter Customer Parking)

  5. Proceed down the ramp and take the very first LEFT into RETAIL parking.
    Do NOT use Harris Teeter parking.
    Follow straight through to RETAIL parking which is on the perimiter – do NOT Exit.

  6. You are on the P-1 Level. Use the stairs or elevator to the right of Harris Teeter to go up one level to the Plaza Level and go outside.

  7. Once in the courtyard, the 3600 entry door will be obvious.
    Look across the courtyard to see the 3650 entry door.

    See the 3650 now?

  8. Enter the lobby of the building you are visiting, scroll through the names, find who you are visiting, and press "CALL" for entry.

It’s easier than it sounds!

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Your Friend in Real Estate, LLC
Arlington, Virginia, USA